Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I took 10 pictures at the Del Amo Mall with the intention of making a panorama.  However, the pictures were not taken from a single vantage point.  I moved down one side of the upper balcony while shooting the opposite side.  In other words, I moved parallel to the subject matter.  I thought it would make an interesting picture (and it did), but technically it was a nightmare to get the photos to blend together. 

After spending way too much time working on this, I took photos of Catalina Island from a friend’s deck in San Pedro.  I thought that more pictures are better than fewer pictures when making a panorama, so I used 7 photos for the Catalina panorama.  It seems that with all the horizontal lines this should have been a snap for Photoshop and it should look better technically than the mall photo.  The photo merge only knit three of the photos together and I did the rest by placing and transforming them.  Not so easy.  This panorama came out better than the mall but it looks sort of like one of those “wish you were here” postcards.

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